You have just come back from a very successful networking evening event and you have twenty-five brand new business card leads. As you drift off to sleep, you know that tomorrow will be a really productive day. The following morning when you get to your desk you still feel great, but then it happens. You…

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In Part One last month, I outlined the first four stages of Maximize Your Business Now, what is The Foundation. This month, I’ll cover the final five stages that I call The Structure. Your Five Marketing Areas — there are unlimited ways to get your message to your customer and that’s the problem. The lure…

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The most common question I have been receiving is how can I maximize my results now? This is a really great question. One of my beliefs is that money likes speed. What this means is that, to get maximum results, we have to deliberately focus our efforts and attention in everything we do. This is…

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Networking for many people means asking, “What can you do for me?” This attitude, process and language often pushes people away instead of connecting them to you. I would like to introduce you to a networking process I call Triage. In this process you look for an area of pain or discomfort in the person’s…

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